How To Use Uncertainty As Your Leadership Advantage

Published: Forbes, Jan 12, 2021

Studies carried out by Archy De Berker have shown that without doubt, uncertainty is worse than the resulting ‘thing’ we are waiting for, be it the pain of a procedure or receiving bad news that we were wondering if we’d get. One study measured stress rates in people who were subjected to electric shocks. Those who knew they were going to get shocked and actually got the shock had much lower stress levels than those who were uncertain whether they were going to get upset. Leadeship guru Drew Povey points out, “I’m sure we’ve all experienced the interminable wait for news or an update. And when the news finally comes, even if its bad news, it’s often not as painful or as harrowing as we might have expected. The waiting and not knowing was a lot worse.”

3 New Ways Leaders Should Make Critical Decisions

Published: Forbes, Jun 8, 2020

We all make decisions every day, from the moment we wake up until we drift off to sleep in the evening. A lot of the choices we make on a day-to-day basis won’t have enormous consequences, although these innocuous small decisions can become habits!

3 Ways To Lead Through The Coronavirus Crisis

Published: Forbes, Apr 2, 2020

We are facing unprecedented times. The coronavirus COVID-19 has ended 50,000 lives worldwide – including 13,000 in Italy, 10,000 in Spain, and 5,000 here in America. Globally, 950,000 cases of infection exist, of which 210,000 are American, 10,000 are Italian and 105,000 are Spanish.

7 Ways To Get The Leadership ‘It’ Factor

Published: Forbes, Feb 17, 2020

Some leaders have ‘it’. They can walk into any room and command the attention of those present – somewhat akin to a president on inauguration day.

They’re so inspirational that in difficult times “they inspire their team to feel stronger, ready and willing to march into any battle,” says Drew Povey – a leading authority on leadership.

But why is that the case?

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The Hard Reset

December 2020 I know I don’t really need to say this, but what a year 2020 has been! As we reached the end of 2019 I imagine most of us were looking […]

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